Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sisters Needs a Retirement Community - Letters to the Nugget

The current discussion about the annexation of new land into Sisters' UGB (Urban Growth Boundary) has generated lots of comments from both supporters and opponents. If you read my last post (dated Aug. 1st) then you know I am an avid supporter of a retirement community based in Sisters.

To me, the discussion about land is very simple. If existing UGB land owners understood the need (and bought into the vision) for a retirement community they would make attempts to match (or beat) the land price being offered by the Kallberg/Willitts/Reed owners. To my knowledge no existing land owner has contacted Mark Adolf, the developer, to "make a deal."

Opponents have stated that there is no "need" in Sisters for a retirement community comprised of both Independent and Assisted Living apartments. I disagree.

As I stated in my previous post, I am the Marketing Director at the Aspen Ridge Retirement Community (Independent, Assisted, & Memory Care living) in Bend. Just recently I helped two Sisters-based families place their mothers (who both happen to live in California) in apartments at Aspen Ridge. Had there been a retirement community in Sisters neither family would have chosen Aspen Ridge.

So, from a purely competitive standpoint, NOT building a retirement community in Sisters will continue to benefit Bend and Redmond-based retirement communities. And by not having new retirement community residents move to Sisters our community will lose all the "associated" dollars these new residents would bring (family visits, family moving to Sisters to be closer to their seniors, etc.)

On a more positive note, just today I spoke with a longtime Sisters senior (who I have been recruiting for Aspen Ridge) who stated that she is "going to wait and see what happens with the Sisters retirement community before making a decision."

But back to the "need" for a Sisters-based retirement community. The developer, Mark Adolf, and his team have in-hand approximately 60 "letters of intent" from seniors who have stated they are interested in moving into a Sisters-based retirement community. And I know, from my own recruiting efforts, that number is low. 60 seniors expressing a desire and need - pretty convincing market research.

Seniors, however, are only part of the decision-making equation. The children of seniors, baby boomers for the most part, are expressing the same desire and need.

Here are letters that Sisters Country residents sent to the Nugget Newspaper in support of a retirement community:

When my elderly mom left her home of 45 years to move here in 2001, one deciding factor was the possibility of assisted/senior housing right here in Sisters. To consider a facility in Bend would be way too isolated from grandchildren dropping in and the like. I urge the entire city council of Sisters to seize the current opportunity before them to keep our valued seniors here in the Sisters community. They enrich our community in many ways; have you ever noticed the large number who volunteer around town?
-Cindy Uttley
1) As citizens, shouldn’t we demand the truth from our City Government? Well put in last weeks editor article as the city and her citizens deserve. Seems to me this annexation of McKenzie Meadows passed by a large margin(over 60% I believe a few years back) WHAT’S THE PROBLEM??
2) Focusing on threshold issues, Is it right for the city at this time when I would assume the city could use the money from the permit fees in this so called recession or in these economic hard times. (really would like to
Know approximately how much that would be for senior center alone) Maybe that could be printed in the paper for the citizens to see. Possibly, the two other projects mentioned cant afford it where the other developers as far as I can tell have followed through and appear to be financially stable with no undue hardships to the City except pay them their over priced fees.
3) This project is only good for the community, beautifully aging senior citizens and veterans alike.
-Mike Osborne
The proposed McKenzie Meadow Village will be located on 30 acres adjacent to Sisters High School. The plan is to provide 5 acres for the Lodge (the assisted care facility), 7 acres of open space that will include a 1.8 acre public park, 7 acres will be roads, 3.1 acres will be set aside for a future medical facility and senior center, and the balance of 8 acres is for cottages and housing for the 50+ senior living (1/2 rented, 1/2 owned, and 1 in 10 homes to be designated as affordable housing units).
The land owners, Reed, Kallberg and Willitts, of the current designated location for MMV have discounted the value of their 30 acres to accommodate the investors with a financially workable property.
Currently, Sisters has an inventory of available land within the UGB. The investors of MMV did make an effort to acquire property within the UGB. However, due to the minimal size of available acreage and the much higher purchase prices, it was not feasible to purchase land within the UGB.
SBART and real estate brokers within Sisters are working diligently to attract investors and businesses to purchase and/or lease vacant land and commercial buildings within the existing city limits. There are presently a dozen opportunities on the table for potential local employment from expanding businesses and new businesses locating to Sisters…all of which will provide needed employment for our citizens. As we progress with these potential prospects, the buildings, land and housing inventory will decrease and jobs will be created.
MMV is not a band-aid for Sisters. It not only provides a facility for our present and future senior citizens, it is a step in the right direction to recover from this recession. We need to start now. Sisters is an attractive place for private sector employers to live, invest and do business. Let’s join together Thursday, November 12th, 7:00 pm at City Hall and ask our City Councilors to approve the annexation of this much needed project at McKenzie Meadow Village.
-Patty Vandiver
In regard to the proposed construction of the assisted-care center here in Sisters I have a view to offer that may reach some readers who can identify with this softer approach. How many here in the community have family members in assisted-care facilities around the country?
Wouldn't it be grand to have them a little closer to home in their golden years. How much time, effort and funds are spent traveling and communicating? Not to mention the obvious issue like disruption of families' daily lives to care for the elderly.
We live here because we enjoy the sweet air, the sky that's a little bluer and the breathtaking scenery. I'd sure like to have these amenities in my closing years. As observed in previous publications, it's apparent that the project would spur activity in several fields here in Sisters. It undoubtedly would give the local economy a shot in the arm that it deserves. The beauty of it is that the tradesmen and women in the community are craftsmen. They have the ability to construct a facility through a unilateral effort that many would take pride in.
My confidence level is high that the community can come together and "pull on the same end of the rope " so to speak and move forward with a project that could keep good folks from having to walk away from their dream of living in this fine area.
-Wayne Cornick
I have been reading the paper about the possible annexation of McKenzie Meadows for quite some time. It is hard to believe there are any objections to the project. The voters approved the annexation many years ago; if not the "hold up" at city hall, the project would have gone forward as proposed.
The construction phase alone for the senior living center would create many family wage jobs immediately and, once completed, would generate many permanent jobs. Giving a boost to the overall Sisters economy should be our primary concern in these trying times - keeping people from leaving the area, not having their homes repossessed, and/or drawing unemployment.
Look at all the successful projects that have made a positive impact on our community: Buck Run, Coyote Springs, FivePine, The Pines, Rolling Horse, Timber Creek, Spring Meadow, Edge of the Pines, Sisters Industrial Park, Mountain View Industrial Park, Tamarack Village, Pine Meadow, Three Wind Shopping Center, and many others. The property tax revenue of any one project alone far exceeds the additional expense created. So, to say that "growth never pays for itself" is shortsighted.
It is true that there are many available lands within the current city limits, but either the current owners are not willing or financially able to do a project of this magnitude with current stipulations, or parcels are not large enough to accommodate such a facility.
As an aging baby boomer, I fully support the idea of having a Senior Living Center in our community. Being realistic and sooner than I may wish, I love the idea of being able to stay in Sisters and not having to move to a Bend facility when I need it. Let's get this started so that we can start seeing employment benefits throughout the city when we most need it, not years later.
-Gary D. Frazee
As the daughter of a 90-year-old mother living here in Sisters, I would like extend my strong support of the proposed senior retirement center on the McKenzie Meadows property.
When I first heard of this facility last summer and saw the beautiful architectural drawings, I was ecstatic that there would be a quality, local solution for our mom. She loves Sisters, our family is in Sisters and it's where she wants to live. Being forced to move to Redmond or Bend would not only break her heart, but make her feel isolated from the family.
The fact that the property is outside the hustle and bustle of the downtown tourist area is even more appealing to our family, but the property is still close enough to schools, churches, Bi-Mart and Ray's.
A senior facility is long, long overdue for our town and I think the current economic climate is offering a very small window of opportunity to purchase a quality piece of land that is finally affordable enough to make retirement living financially feasible to seniors in our town.
If there is other land available within the city limits that equals the quality and affordability of this piece of property, then I encourage the owners to come forth quickly and make it known.
Our seniors deserve a local option for retirement, and in our situation, time is truly of the essence. Our family needs a solution, as do many others in our community; and time is running out.
I strongly encourage the council to consider the many benefits of this project and the solution it provides for local family members and their beloved parents.
-Debbie Bucher
In regards to the McKenzie Meadows Project, it surely will not make an instant impact to the economic health of our community. It will probably be years before the single-family lots are built upon. What it will do is provide a need for our community with a retirement/assisted living center. Many of our friends have to travel to Bend or Redmond to visit their elderly parents, who had lived their final independent years in our community. Wouldn't it be nice for these folks to have their parents local where they want to be, and be able to stop by frequently for a quick visit or outing?
This project will also provide many long-term jobs once it is completed.
The people who are spearheading this project are trying to provide a quality service for this community while making a living.
This is the perfect time to plan and shape McKenzie Meadows into a desirable retirement center with an attractive surrounding neighborhood. These folks have already done some extensive research and market analysis. The time is now to annex this property so that the city and developers can work together toward a common goal benefiting our community; providing a quality local home for our elderly community members, and providing a long-term employment base.
-Brad Simundson
My only problem with the McKenzie Meadows annexation was addressed in the week before my letter was published, so I am in full support of the project now.
Curt Kallberg needs to tone down his rhetoric a bit so he doesn't sabotage Bill Reed's vision for this property.
I want my parents to be able to spend their last years here, if they so choose. We tend to ghettoize our seniors away from society, so I think that right next to the high school is the perfect place.
I see no need to put this up to a vote of the people. Let's git-r done.
-Bruce Berryhill
For the life of me I cannot conceive why all the long and short term benefits of a senior community are not apparent to all in the community. I'll like to address the financial benefits, and not the ethical question of what is right to do for our mothers and fathers.
The initial benefits in construction not only benefit people in the construction trades, but also many other businesses in Sisters as well. Contractors will be purchasing gas, food, building materials, and of course lots of coffee & doughnuts. Now I'm sure some businesses will not realize increased business (not many contractors rent bicycles or purchase tourist related products), but how many of us do not know several people that will benefit from the construction stage of the project.
Later many jobs will be generated working in the facility itself. And besides hiring employees for the facility I would imagine there would be ancillary jobs such as landscape maintenance that local companies will be interested in doing. Additionally the senior living community is not only a new business for Sisters, but a business in an entirely new category that is not competing with existing businesses.
The city of Sisters will realize increased tax revenues, and by the projects nature the cost for police and fire services would be much less expensive than that of a typical residential development. Also the possibility of a larger medical clinic for the area will not only produce more jobs, but will provide much needed additional care for Sisters.
Finally, even if you are set for life, how could you not want a project to proceed that will provide for the struggling citizens of Sisters, and also enrich the lives of our seniors. To me it's a no-brainier, Sisters should welcome the Senior Living Center and related development.
-Tom Pryor

The McKenzie Meadows Village owners (Willitts, Kallberg and Reed families) should be commended for their vision of a full and complete Master Planned development for seniors. They should also be commended for discounting land for a Senior Community for Independent and Assisted Living (80% discount of high market at peak and 75% discount in today's market). They should be praised for being willing to build a new 10-Acre City Park with full amenities and donate it to the City of Sisters. They should be praised for being willing to contribute land for a much needed Medical Clinic with Urgent Care potential. They should be commended for being willing to contribute to Affordable Housing and for consistently envisioning what will add value to Sisters Country… Without the discounted land price, a Senior Housing Community for Independent and Assisted Living could not be built because the rents would be too high and would only be affordable to a few. Keep in mind too, that if the owners of the McKenzie Meadow Village land were just about making a dollar, they could keep the land on a back burner for completing the 2006 Voter Approved Annexation, pay lower taxes in he county and complete the annexation at a later date when the real estate market returns in strength and get top dollar for their land. But, worthy of commendable praise, the owners of the McKenzie Meadow Village land are willing to annex the land into the City of Sisters now and start paying higher taxes and other associated costs so the Senior Housing Community for Independent and Assisted Living can be built. Besides being offensive, it is 'criminal' to imply or state that the Willitts family, the Kallberg family or the Reed family are all about making a buck. Each one of them has generously contributed immensely to our community.
-Keith Sampson

Dear Mr. Anonymous:

By taking one of the finest citizens in Sisters and bringing to light his financial challenges you rallied more support for McKenzie Meadow Village Senior Housing Campus than I ever dreamed possible. For each person that spoke favorably there were five more that regretted they didn't have the opportunity to voice their respect and support.
I have good news. If you continue your path as Mr. Anonymous you have tremendous opportunity. Look carefully into my past and you will find a good selection of learning experiences that will embarrass me publicly. Look into each of my children's past and again you'll find more possibilities, as a matter of fact look into anyone's past and you'll find limitless opportunity. Perhaps you've forgotten that we're all just human and we all lead imperfect lives.
What I enjoy most about our community is that we all love Sisters and we're passionate about protecting it for future generations. It was too bad you didn't make it to the meeting. You would have heard diverse voices like Morgan, Malone, Mintiens share one thing in common. Each has the courage to speak what's in their heart.
Thank you for uniting the community in support of our seniors. May you someday learn to practice the golden rule.
-Bill Willitts

Any official who tries to prevent the senior living/McKenzie Meadow project is doing a disservice to the community!
I have lived in the Sisters community since 1990, when I retired from being a developer for a large national firm, personally responsible for the development and/or management of millions of square feet of industrial or commercial space. I have had some experience with site selection. The tone of the recent Nugget articles and letters suggest there are many suitable alternative sites available for this project. This is a very naive way of thinking. From what I read there are ready, willing and able buyers and sellers for this site and a project developer who has identified this location as one that would work.
I don't know all the reasons why this site works for this project but I have not heard of any alternatives, probably because there are none. Available land is no guarantee of a successful project.
I personally know of scores of senior friends and neighbors who have relocated from Sisters due to the lack of senior or assisted-living facilities.
Even if the project start and any job creation is some time away I hope this city council says yes and gets the ball rolling right now.
-David V. Douthit
Dear Bill Willitts,
Your restraint not to name "Mr. Anonymous" is admired! The people of Sisters know who this "Mr.A" is. A multitude of business community leaders shared with me, and I assume many others, the dismay that the Nugget would even print this article. I concur with Bill Willitts that the "golden stone rule" was flagerantly broken here and hope that others will respond in kind to NOT put Mr. Anonymous through the same shame he put Jerry through. Jerry is going through a tough time not unlike most Americans he is not a criminal to date! Shame on you Mr. A" and shame on the Nugget for printing such an article. As an aside I commend you Bill Willitts, and your partners, for bringing such a viable and wonderful campus of entertainment, health, business,and well being to this city against such odds. All of my family here and visiting enjoy the movie house, the brew pub and diner, the conference hall, Shubi, the health club etc. Oh and the great addition of Cloes. I also KNOW that most Sisters's people I speak with want a Senior Center HERE! Bill Willitts and and his "developer friends" are willing to step up to the plate finacially to make this community viable in an every day living sense. Why do you and Mr. "A" think this is so wrong?
-Jim Bell

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